Swans in a Thunderstorm

A handbag fashioned from a notebook

“A fully functional handbag fashioned from a notebook protects my seven swans of resilience. The handbag is the product of the work of these seven swans. As without their combined resilience none of this would be possible. Each swan represents a unique capacity of my personal resilience. Monica (My Grandmother), Mandy (My Mother), Path, Love, Inspiration, Creativity and Possibility. With this piece I tried to tie together the craft I have dedicated my life to and how it is the result of the work of my resilience. The Seven Swans of Resilience that have made it possible for me to be able to withstand any thunderstorm.”

This work I produced through the AtWork programme with the Moleskin Foundation. This piece is the result of a 5-day critical thinking workshop where myself and 23 other creatives were tasked with answering the question: ‘What Comes First?” This workshop led by Simon Njami has been an amazing experience and one that I leave with the result of my handbag and all the memories in it.

The handbag was donated to the Moleskin foundation as part of their notebook collection.

with the Moleskin Foundation


A Different Dream


Denim Don't Die